In this Position Paper Euralarm recognises the need to update the European standard, which defines the requirements that an alarm
receiving centre (ARC) shall meet, to the current reality.
The July 2024 edition of the Compliance Newsletter is now online. The newsletter contains news on the latest evolutions and developments concerning European Directives & Regulations that are of interest for Euralarm members.
From September 24 -26 the International Conference on Automatic Fire Detection (AUBE'24) and Suppression, Detection and Signaling Research and Applications Conference (SUPDET 2024) will take place.
Dieser Euralarm-Leitfaden enthält Informationen zu den wichtigsten Änderungen zwischen der EN 15004-1: 2019 und der nächsten Ausgabe, die voraussichtlich 2023 veröffentlicht wird.
Ce document d'orientation d'Euralarm fournit des informations sur les principaux changements entre la norme EN 15004-1 : 2019 et la prochaine édition qui devrait être publiée en 2023.
Together with 5 other industry associations Euralarm signed a joint industry paper on Evaluation of Regulation (EU) 1025/2012 on European Standardisation.
Euralarm has published a Position Paper to aid Market Surveillance Authorities in interpreting the regulation in the context of fire safety, life safety and security systems.
This Position Paper is to aid Market Surveillance Authorities in interpreting the regulation in the context of fire safety, life safety and security systems.