For a safer and more secure Europe

One of the most basic requirements for each of us is a defense against harm, no matter what form it takes. Without protective measures, the individuals that makeup society are at risk. For decades our industry has worked diligently to develop solutions to prevent and limit the consequences from threats such as fire, theft, property damage and others. In collaboration with public authorities, policymakers, standards and certification bodies and industry associations, our industry works to address society’s needs for safety and security in Europe and globally.

Committed Europeans

We, the members of the European fire safety and security industry and committed Europeans, want to contribute to driving sustainable growth that will strengthen the EU’s Single Market, attract investment to Europe, and expand global markets for European companies. To do this we are continuously assessing the opportunities and the challenges facing us to identify the priorities that will allow us to advance as a prosperous, safe society and global actor.

Forward-looking industry

We are proud to be world leaders in our field. Ours is a forward-looking industry that relies on constant innovation and major investment to provide the best solutions and services that ensure safety and security for Europe.

Over 90% of our members are small- and medium-sized enterprises. All our members with their skilled workforce rely on the priority areas as listed above to design, install and maintain those solutions and provide the necessary services to ensure performance at the highest level.