Our Professional team is mainly based in Belgium close to Brussels, they have many years of industry experience, ranging from running large Security Business to operating technical departments, in leading European Fire Detection systems suppliers or Certification/Test Laboratory Businesses. They have knowledge of commerce and developing and deploying standards within the marketplace. The team is lead by a General Director, who also has a Marketing and secretarial team to support operations

Paul van der Zanden
Paul is working together with the Euralarm professional team and members on the priorities from Euralarm to achieve a safer and more secure society for Europe and build an industry that contributes to sustainable growth in Europe. He is involved in CCMC and Orgalim which are Euralarm partners and other international organizations in the fire and security market. Living in Brussels he is close to the heart of Europe with access to the parliament, the commission, other stakeholders and associations. Before joining Euralarm Paul worked in the security industry for over 30 years on installation and service side before he moved to manufacturing and distribution. He managed on European and Global level a product development, product management and product marketing organization. Prior to this assignment, Paul was General Manager for a global manufacturer, distributor for fire safety and security products.

Carlos Perez
Carlos Perez is based in the Barcelona area. He holds a degree in Chemistry (Chemical Engineering) from the University of Barcelona and a PhD degree from Polytechnic University of Catalonia. He started his career in LPG in product development, engineering and certification of gaseous extinguishing systems and components, and expanded activities to other systems like kitchen systems. From 1994 until 2024 he had different engineering and management positions in LPG, acquired by Tyco and merged with JCI. During this time, he has imparted numerous seminars and courses both for internal and external audiences, local and international. In May 2024 he joined Euralarm as Technical Manager. He has participated since the beginning of his activities in standardisation committees at International (ISO TC21) and European (CEN TC191). In Spain he is chair of the respective mirror committees at UNE. He was also the chair of the Manufacturers of Fixed Systems in Tecnifuego.

Benoît Stockbroeckx
Benoît Stockbroeckx was born in Brussels in 1970. He received the Electrical Engineering degree in 1993 and the PhD degree in Applied Sciences in 1998, both from UCLouvain in Belgium. His background is on microwave antennas and circuits modeling and design. From 2002 until 2006 he was CEO of a spin-off company initiated by his activities at the University and who developed and sold an innovative instrument for the monitoring of the electromagnetic environment. From 2007 until 2020 he was Head of the Laboratory at ANPI, test house and certification body in Belgium. In February 2020 he joined Euralarm as Technical Manager. He is an active expert in standardisation committees since 2008 at Belgian and European levels and has been head of Belgian delegation. His past and present standardisation activities cover CEN/TC 72 (Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems), CLC/TC 79 (Alarm Systems), CEN-CLC/JTC 4 (Services for fire safety and security systems) and their Belgian mirror committees. He recently joined CEN-CLC/JTC 13 (Cybersecurity and Data Protection) on behalf of Euralarm. He is also interacting with the services of the European Commission for the benefit of the Euralarm members.

Martin Franke
After his study Business Administration Martin joined an international communications agency where he learned the basics of communication and public relations. When the opportunity came up to join a start-up company as a communications and organization consultant, he decided to join. After that he joined a telecom research organization to also gain experience on the client side as PR and Communications Manager. He then started his own company specializing in construction, industry, telecom & IT and safety & security. In 2013 he was asked to handle communications for Euralarm. Since 2017 he is the Communications Manager of Euralarm where he enjoys working in an international multicultural environment with professionals in the field of fire safety and security.