The impact of new technologies

There are a number of emerging technologies that will change the fire safety industry. But what will be the impact on our industry of for instance cybersecurity, digitization, IoT, IP technologies and cloud-based services, Artificial Intelligence, multi-sensor technology, Augmented Reality and BIM and how will these new technologies affect our industry?

The Fire section monitors and analyses the developments and reviews what the impact of the technologies can be. This not only will help members to better understand the topics and their impact but also acts as a guidance on prioritizing our actions and our work regarding standardization and certification.


Christian Schmitz

Christian Schmitz

Chair Fire Section

Neil Budd

Neil Budd

Vice chair Fire Section

Towards more agile standardization

Standardization has been and will be an essential platform for the fire industry. Harmonized standards in Europe for fire detection and alarm products are significantly affected by regulatory instruments. Therefore, the section closely monitors the standardization and regulation processes in Europe and contributes to a practical balance between regulatory and voluntary requirements while supporting the process for a more agile approach towards standardization. This cannot be done without the valuable partnerships with standardization organizations, associations, and other stakeholders.

For the sake of quality

Certification will remain as an important feature of products and – to a certain point – also systems of Euralarm members. Meanwhile the mandatory requirements on products so they can be CE labeled are growing in complexity. The Fire section contributes to open and transparent solutions that allow pan-European testing and certification without the hinderance of national marks and to improvements for market surveillance of fire safety products in Europe.

Making our industry attractive

Together with the other Euralarm sections the Fire section is committed to attracting talent and making our industry attractive for newcomers. Working in the Fire industry means working in a world of rapidly changing technology and contributing to a Safe and Secure Europe. The fire safety industry is a diverse, open, and welcoming world where the future is shaped, and careers are created.

News: Fire section

Artificial Intelligence - copyright Dreamstime - Elnur_WEB.jpg

Euralarm to participate in AI Pact

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Webinar Overhaul EN 50131-1 WEB.jpg 1

Webinar Overhaul of EN 50131-1: outlook and advantages

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