24 Oct 2022
by Martin Franke

Change in leadership Security section

Milan Ceeh and Oscar Feijoo have changed positions in the leadership of the Euralarm Security section

Milan Ceeh and Oscar Feijoo have changed positions in the leadership of the Euralarm Security section with Oscar Feijoo becoming chair and Milan Ceeh vice chair of the section.

During the June meeting of the Euralarm Security section Milan Ceeh took the role as acting chair with the view that in the course of the first year the vice chair Oscar Feijoo would take over the role as Section chair and Milan would continue as vice chair.  The Security Section delegates supported the change with a positive vote  in the last Security section meeting  followed by mail voting  for those who could not be present.

We want to congratulate Oscar with his new role and thank Milan for taking the role as acting chair since June. Both will lead the Security section in a time of many technological and legislative changes. The Euralarm Security  Section will continue to be closely involved in these changes with the vision to keep Europe a safe place to live, work and travel, supported by a professional Security industry.

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